
Dear April,

This is really a great pleasure working with you. To have you helped us sell our old house and buy the new one is definitely our right choice. Your expertise has also helped us save a lot of money by selling our old house fast, and of course, Lynn and I are deeply appreciated.

Best Regards!
John and Lynn Wu
North Valley, CA


Thank you very much for helping us find the perfect house.
I really appreciate your hard work and tremendous patience with us.
I am really impressed that you are always willing to take extra steps to get us the best deal on everything. I definitely will recommend you to all my friends.

Thanks again for your excellent work.

Mulan and Yufeng
West San Jose, CA

Dear April,

We cannot thank you enough for lending your time and expertise
to helping us sell our West San Jose home. Your professionalism and kind
reassurance helped us through the rough spots. Much continued success to you
in your career!

Howard & Lori Chang
West San Jose

Dear April,

During the holiday season of Christmas and New Year of 2006, our family did receive a precious and priceless gift from the Santa Claus?­ it is you! Now you become our close and trusty friend not only a processional realtor.

Not as other home owners, we don't have an exciting experience on buying a new home; instead we just had a memorable period of selling our home with you. Before your appearance, we felt worried and unconfident about selling our home. It is you who bring us a bunch of peaceful mind, guidance and encouragement during that period. Your professionalism, accountability and valued personality made the whole process very manageable and smooth which helped us resume our ordinary life shortly.

In the market of real estate, many agents are always money-oriented without considering the customers benefits, and tried to get their commission quickly with less efforts and commitments. But you are different; you often view and think in other's position considering customers' benefits and satisfaction as your own achievement.

My husband and I are very proud of having a friend as you and would strongly recommend you to all our friends in their future home purchasing and selling.

Louis & Betty
Fremont, CA

Dear April Yin,

We can not express our gratitude to you for helping us find our first home. You made the entire home buying experience a smooth process in this heated bay area housing market.

You were very patient with us and took each of our questions and concerns very SERIOUSLY, however silly they sounded! Furthemore, you took time to do the research. We were amazed to see emails from you at midnight. You were always reacheable and returned each of our calls promptly.

We really felt that you were working very hard for us. Moreover, we were reassured by your actions that our money was in good hands.

On one of our offers, we recall you spent hours preparing the offer letter, analyzing the comparables, and helping us decide the offer price. You shocked us next day when you advised us to reduce the offer price due to fewer total offers on the house.

In this over-heated housing market, any other agent would have presented the offer with the higher price so as to be done with the deal and get their commission. But you are very different. You displayed your honesty and integrity by not doing so. Before working with you, we thought the agent's job was only to fill the paper work. You proved us wrong.

You found us a house which was in "move-in" condition. Even though the offer was accepted "AS-IS", the "fighter" in you successfully got us the Section II repair costs from seller. Furthermore, during the final walk-through, when you noticed the slight damage in the kitchen floor due to sellers neglect, you took it seriously and got the sellers to credit the repair costs.

April, we can not tell you how much we appreciate the guidance and assistence you provided. We were impressed by your PROFESSIONALISM and hardwork, and were moved by the honesty and integrity you exhibited. Your level-headed negotiating skills are truely remarkable.

Thank you very much for all your hardwork. You are welcome at our new home any day. Feel free to give our names and phone number as a reference to anyone. We will be very pleased to talk about you.

We wish you the very best.

- Thanks & Regards,
Princy & Manu Thomas,
Fremont, CA