
Dear April,

The reason for this letter is to not only thank you for the help and advice in purchasing our home but to let you know that we are very happy with the process of buying our home in Silicon Valley and moving. We are more than satisfied; we are ecstatic.

April, we would like you to feel comfortable in using our name as a reference in the future. We will highly recommend you to anyone we know. Any time please feel free to use our name, address and phone number. Should a person want to know about April Yin and her pledge of satisfaction, please have them contact us. We will highly recommend you for their real estate needs.

Ya-Hui and Eric Lee,
West San Jose, CA

Dear Sir,

Please allow me to congratulate you for having a high caliber, professional, and wonderful agent as Ms. April Yin.

We know Ms. Yin through our friend Sharon who works in our bank. In the initial meeting with Ms. Yin, we indicated our intention and interest of purchasing a home near by Lynbrook High School. Ms. Yin took it very serious and worked very hard to prepared lots of materials and information for us including several choices of home for sale in the area that we are interested in.

After seeing a couple house on Miller Avenue, which they are pretty good already. But we like to have a home that is not by a busy street with a cost that is more manageable than what she showed us. Immediately, with her being care and patience, she came up with a beauitiful home within only a couple days. We must say we were quite presently surprised by her fast response. From then on, she took care of all the details for us such as checking the working status of appliances and so forth. Naturally, with her great help, we got what we want, which is not just a home; it is a beautiful home plus happiness.

Well, our story does not end there. We need to sell our old house, too. As it turned out, Ms. Yin also took care of many tedious things as finding good services venders for us to clean the house, to deal with termite problems and many things like that. We know we can fully trust her. And of course once again we are right, Ms. Yin have got the deal closed, leaving us worry free!

We are not in the real estate business, but if we were, we most definitely would want to be colleague so that we could learn more from her. We envy you for you are lucky to have her working with you.

Ben and Anna Liu,
West San Jose, CA

Dear Sirs,

This letter is to recommend our agent, April Yin, also recommended by our friend Jack, for her competitiveness, accountability, availability, great personality and her professional expertise to assist us to get our first home at Fremont for a great price.


We had to admit that fighting 12 offers for our house was not easy especially she honestly assisted us from make an offer, counter offer and to the final decision.

Accountability and availability

April always disclosed detailed information ahead of time of each process during those past two months and we felt secure to trust her judgments and whenever we encounter difficulties or troubles in the process, when would solve it for us right away with an even better result.

Great personality

She is always cheerful, quick, precise and upbeat, yet clam, sweet and kind. The great thing about her is that she always has a smile on her face and always demonstrates her professional expertise with great personal taste and personality.

Professional expertise

Whenever we call her, she is there or she will call back right away. She always teaches us how to get the best deal, how to get the right information and right person to do the task and I actually think about being an agent like her now. We really like the inspector she recommended. She has great managerial style when the coordinates between three or four parties and she is consistent with her performance.

We just love her since she is like our bigger sister and she claimed taking care of us like taking care of her own children even though we see her possessing a young heart. So we have actually recommended her to our friends who are about to buy a house too.

We will count on her for our future purchase as well and we really feel honor of to recommend her to you about our great home-buying experience with her.

Ray and Debbie Chao,
Fremont, CA